Monday, April 12, 2010

You...A Prayer Magnet

You... A Prayer Magnet!
By Rev. William Dohle

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. - Philipians 4:6

We’ve started calling her our Germ Magnet.

Our youngest daughter, Lynne, can get sick at the drop of a hat. So far, since Christmas, she’s been healthy only one or two weeks! The rest of the time she’s had a runny nose, a sore throat, a cough that just won’t go away.

And I know why too. The girl can’t keep things out of her mouth. No matter how much we tell her, she still puts pencils and crayons and everything else that could possibly contain germs in her mouth.

The funny part is...she’s actually afraid of germs too! Washes her hands two or three times after she’s gone potty. It’s really quite entertaining!

Her “condition” though made me think what if such a condition affected us spiritually. Only instead of leaving germs everywhere we went, we left prayers.

Think about it. You go to the store and see a few people walking in with you. Instead of ignoring them or avoiding them, you start praying for them. “Lord, let them have a good day...”

You run into an old friend of yours as you’re walking along and you pray: “Lord, lead him today.”

You see a few more people walking into the store and you pray: “Give them a heart of love.”

And as you leave, you smile and the cash register and pray: “Lord, let them see you in my life.”

Think about how many places you go and how many people you see in a single day. What if you prayed for each of those people. Not because you know what’s going on in their lives. Not because you’re somehow a “Spiritual Giant” but because Jesus told you to “Love others as I have loved you.” and you think that’s how Jesus might want you to love them.

What if you approached everything in your life in prayer. The ride home from work. The people you see on television. The ones you pass you at your home. What if we took each phone call, each email, and every contact we received as an opportunity to pray for them! What would the world look like then?

Today I am praying for you. I am praying that God is present in YOUR life. I am praying that God would show his face to YOU. And that YOU would find a home to worship him in. I pray that God would be present for YOU and love and cherish YOU as only He can.

You know what? My prayer is even now being answered! What a good and gracious God we have! Amen!

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