Sunday, September 5, 2010

Coming Soon... Proverbs to Ponder!

Dear Fellow Bible Studiers!

It’s hard to believe but the summer is over! If Labor Day weekend wasn’t enough to confirm it, our Bible Study that has taken us through the books of 1 John and Amos has ended as well. Fourteen weeks of summer are officially at an end.

As I considered where to go with this study, I realized something profound(at least it was profound for me). I...enjoyed studying scripture! The whole summer, I looked forward to reading the text and wondering how God’s Word would shape my life accordingly. I started looking ahead to what we'd be reading next week and wondering what I'd find there that would change my life. And, to top it off, I find it is already working. Today I would say I am more aware of the issues of justice plaguing our world. I realize that I live an unjust life, that my prosperity and the depravity that others live in will need fixing someday. And someday God will set it aright. I rest, not on my own haunches or my own accomplishments, but on God’s mercy who loves both rich and poor together and who will give us a whole new kingdom where we are truly equal.

All this I knew on one level before, but our study of Scripture together has taken it to a whole other level.

Now I’m forced to wonder where God will take us from here. Given the quiet(VERY quiet at times) success of our Bible Study series, I think we’re going to take the same path and let the Word inspire the meditation.

From now through November, we’re going to take a series of Proverbs from the book of Proverbs and look at them through our own experience. We will ask ourselves whether they ring true today as they did back then. We’ll study how the Word of God infused within them might change our life. And we’ll ask ourselves questions to challenge our faith and help it grow.

To do this, I need YOUR help!! I need to know... what Proverbs are interesting to YOU? What Proverbs have you memorized or known throughout the years? What Proverbs have disturbed you or confused you? Email them to me at: I want to know!!

The Word of God continues to mold and shape us. And as we consider the words of wisdom contained in the book of Proverbs, may the Wisdom of God, that is Christ Jesus, bless our study and our consideration.

Our journey begins on this week! See you virtually as we Ponder the Proverbs!

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