Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Through New Eyes

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Through New Eyes
By Rev. William Dohle

They say that familiarity breeds contempt...and they might be right. Often I have noticed the things I am most familiar with are the things I take for granted. Even worse sometimes I have learned that the things that I am most familiar with are the things I hold most in contempt.

Take my home for instance. I grew up in the mountains of Northern Utah, with large peaks surrounding my little house. How often did I stare up at them? How often did I wonder what was happening on them? How often did I appreciate their beauty?

Not often enough.

Now, having moved thousands of miles from them(and being quite a bit older than I was back then), I have found my eyes are open in new ways. True there are no mountains to appreciate here. But there is plenty of green trees. There are lightning bugs like you've never seen before. And new experiences and sights I've never seen. And people. Especially people.

Being a newcomer in this land I've been able to appreciate and truly find the good all around me. And its everywhere! It's in the greeters that so warmly welcome people to the church. It's in the insight and vision congregational leaders as they pave the way into the future. It's in the ushers and the worship band. It's in those who have welcomed us here.

And goodness is found outside the church walls too. I have found goodness in the eyes of a cashier at the grocery store. Found in the hands of a librarian at the local library. And Found in the many faces surrounding us who move in and out of this place.

Today God invites you to find that goodness around you. It's there! Sin can't blot out what God created! He has declared his creation(including humanity) "very good" in the words of Genesis 1. Not just good. Not okay or mediocre. VERY good! That's saying something.

Perhaps we too should look around our world and share God's judgement. Perhaps we should look around us with God's eyes, hearing God's declaration that this world and everything in it is "very good!" God loved this world so much that he sent Jesus to us! His only Son! If this world weren't something special God would have disposed of it a LONG time ago...but He didn't! He loves the world! Even now!

Almighty God, give me Your eyes today that I might see the world and find its goodness. May my judgement on this world be like yours: This world is very good! Thank you for all you have given us, especially Jesus! In His Name. Amen.

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