Sunday, July 1, 2012

How Blessed Are You!

"The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered..."  Genesis 39:2

How Blessed Are You!
By Rev. William Dohle

This week didn't go as I thought it would.

I had planned on going up to Chicago with our Jr. Youth Group.  I had planned the whole trip.  From the meeting with World Relief to the fun day at Six Flags to worship on Sunday morning at Resurrection Lutheran Church where a forgotten friend of mine is serving.

I had planned it all so well.  And I was looking forward to it too.  I had started counting down the days until my leaving.  The blessings of the Lord are upon us!  This weekend will be grand.

Of course God had other plans.

Wednesday I received a phone call from Walter Lelm's family.  Walt had passed away the previous day.  Would we be willing to have a service for him on Saturday at the church?

Very quickly my plans changed.  My trip with the kids was canceled as I prepared to celebrate Walter Lelm's life and what God has done for and through him.  I called my supply preacher for Sunday and told her I would be in town and would do services.  With a funeral on Saturday and services on Sunday, this weekend was turning out to be like every other one.  Busy with ministry!

At first I must admit I grumbled.  Loudly at times.  I was looking forward to going with our kids(and my son) to Chicago.  I had planned this trip!  The blessings of rest and refreshment and fun were ripped away from me.

Joseph's life was turned upside down in much the same way.  Joseph, the son of Jacob and Rachel, had already experienced a lifetime upset.  The brothers he loved had sold him into slavery!  What more could happen to him!  But the blessings of God were upon him and Joseph found himself in the house of Potipher, an official in Egypt.  There he blessed Potipher and his household.  So blessed was he that Joseph was put in charge of Potipher's whole house!  Life was looking up for him, slave though he was.

Only one problem. Potipher's wife had taken a liking to him!  And, one night, she decides to make her advances known.  Joseph, though, rejects her.  Potipher's wife doesn't like that.  So she lies to her husband, accusing Joseph of taking advantage of her.  Potipher is outraged.  He throws Joseph in prison!

But something happens in prison too.  Potipher might have rejected Joseph...but God hasn't!  And the Lord is still with Joseph even in prison.  So there, the Bible says, "...the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there."(v. 22).  Though rejected, God still blesses Joseph.  Though Joseph's plans have changed, God's have not.

I too after struggling with my own change of plans, have realized how blessed I am being here.  I am blessed to be a blessing and a comfort to Walter's family at his family.  I am blessed to be surrounded by so many understanding and caring people.  I am blessed to be able to speak the Gospel to these people at this time in their lives.  I am blessed!

When you face a change of plans, look for the Lord's blessing.  Even in the darkest of nights, the Lord's light shines through.  Nothing can stop that blessing, that love!  Nothing in all creation!  Though our plans may change...sometimes dramatically...we can always count on God's love to sustain us and provide the rainbow that lies at the heart of even the worst storm.

God of Joseph, our lives sometimes change like his too and we wonder, where are you.  Assure us of your presence and your love.  Continue to bless us and those around us until we are blessed to see your presence for ourselves, in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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