Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In Matthew's Steps: Facing the Inevitable

The First Steps: Read: Matthew 26

Focus Verse: “You know that after two days the Passover is coming and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” Matthew 26:2

Meditation: Preparing for the Inevitable

Can you imagine knowing that at someplace in a month or more a horrible pain will come upon you and you will be forced into an ordeal that will change your life forever?

If you’re a mother who’s had children of her own, you can very well imagine that situation. In fact, you’ve experienced that very thing. Pain on a schedule.

It takes courage to know that this is in your future...and to press on toward it anyway. To know with all certainty that pain and suffering awaits you and to walk into it willingly takes strength from God!

Now imagine that it’s not the precious birth of a baby that you’re waiting for but your own death. People are told throughout the world that they have only a few months to live. And that news is devastating. Imagine having that knowledge brought forward to a few days and to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that pain and suffering will accompany your death. Would you face it willingly? Or would you retreat? If you could prevent that in some way... would you?

That is the situation Jesus faces as he prepares for Passover. His end is coming. “The Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” Jesus knows it comes...and yet he presses forward.

As the woman at Bethany anoints his feet Jesus says, “...she has prepared me for burial.”
As the disciples eat the meal together Jesus says, “...one of you will betray me.”
As the cup of communion is passed around Jesus reminds them, “I will never again drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
And as Jesus wakes his disciples the last time he tells them, “See, my betrayer is at hand.”

All of these things point to the fact that Jesus KNEW what was about to happen to him...and yet he walked that way willingly. Jesus KNEW what was to take place and how much it would hurt...and yet Jesus walked that way anyway. Jesus walked the way to the cross in full knowledge of what would come upon him and what would happen to him in the end. He trusted that his Father in heaven had some plan in mind...but he knew the path that had been chosen for him.

That trust wasn’t easy...that’s for sure. As Jesus is in the Garden, he prays that the cup of suffering would be taken from him. If only there is another way... but there is no other way. The Son of Man must suffer and die and be raised to new life. Jesus must walk this path in full knowledge of the pain and in the hope of the resurrection.

When we find ourselves in inevitable situations, where suffering is at our doorsteps. When we’ve had cancer diagnosed or face an upcoming surgery. When the news of a divorce settles in our family or our loved one gets ill. When Hospice is called in and we lose hope of them ever recovering physically. Let us remember and know that Jesus has already been there. Jesus knew suffering was approaching...and he faced it willingly.

And Jesus is there too when we face suffering too. When the doctors have nothing but bad news, Jesus stands there beside us, comforting us with his presence, sustaining us in our moments of suffering and pain, whispering in our ear that there is something better in store for us at the end. A resurrection like no other. That he himself has prepared for us. There is nothing to fear...even at the inevitable end of our lives. Amen.

Questions to Ponder...
1) When have you faced the inevitable? How did you react?

2) How does your opinion of the passion of Christ change when you figure in Christ’s pre-knowledge of the situation?

3) How has Christ helped you through the inevitable sufferings of life?

A Prayer to Pray...
Almighty God, your Son knews he would suffer and die... and he goes through with it anyway. Help us when we know more than we wish to. Encourage us when suffering is upon us that we might see your resurrection at hand, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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