"So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Then Jacob said to Laban, "Give me my wife. My time is completed..." So Laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a feast. But when evening came, he took his daughter Leah and gave her to Jacob. When morning came, there was Leah!" Genesis 29
Unwelcome Surprises
By Rev. William Dohle
There are some things I just can't imagine!
I can't imagine working for my father-in-law for seven years like Jacob did. Don't get me wrong, I loved my father-in-law dearly when he was alive, but I just can't imagine working to win the hand of my wife. I can't imagine being happy with that arrangement.
I can't imagine the joy Jacob felt when he would finally be wed to his wife. After seven years of courtship, finally they would be wed!
And I really can't imagine his horror when he discovered the woman he thought was Rachel was actually her sister, Leah!
Talk about unwelcome surprises!
We've all faced such surprises before. Some of us more than others. Any news that is both unexpected and unwanted can be called an unwelcome surprise. And we face them all the time!
Some of the more dramatic ones are:
Surprise! You're fired!
Surprise! You have cancer!
Surprise! I want a divorce!
Surprise! You're not getting into the college you wanted to.
Surprise! You did terrible on that test!
Even some ordinary things can become unwelcome surprises.
If you're not expecting a child: SURPRISE! You're pregnant!
Or... Surprise! I just got transferred! Honey, we're moving to China!
Or you're kids come home to tell you: "Surprise! I need $250 to go with the band! And I need it by tomorrow!"
Think back in your own life. We all have experienced your share of unwelcome surprises!
That is why we can look to Jacob's life and take hope. For, as bad as it was to see Leah in Rachel's place, God worked even that for the good of his people. For Leah, the unwelcome bride of Jacob, becomes the mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Isschar, and Zebulun, six ancestors of the tribes of Israel! If it wasn't for Leah and this unwelcome surprise, none of this would have happened! It wouldn't!
But through this unwelcome surprise, God was able to do two things. He was able to provide a mother for the men who would found these tribes. And he was able to teach Jacob some humility. For Jacob, the one who deceived his brother Esau twice, is now deceived by his uncle. The tables have been turned. And Jacob learns some humility as he works for another seven years to have Rachel as his wife.
We too can see our unwelcome surprises as learning experiences. Maybe not while they're happening, but certainly after. For God's world doesn't stop when life surprises us, but God himself works everything out for good for those who love him, who are each called according to his purpose.
Abba, Father, life surprises us with both the good and the bad. Help us see what comes to us through eyes of faith, trusting in your love for us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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