The man asked him, “What is your name?”
“Jacob,” he answered.
Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel,[f] because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.”
Jacob said, “Please tell me your name.”
But he replied, “Why do you ask my name?” Then he blessed him there.
A New Name
By Rev. William Dohle
There's a joy in naming something. People are personal. Animals are special. Even places take on a different meaning when you know their names.
Growing up, I've had more than my share of naming experiences. Mostly for animals. And the animals I've cared for and named have been many and varied. I've had Justin the rat, Kali the cat, Merlin the cat, Arkay the parakeet, Lacey the parakeet, Violet the turtle, Samson the turtle, Tamar the Turtle, and Delilah the turtle, Sunny, Stormy, and Sunny the parakeets, and the list goes on. And of those animals, I've personally named about half of them.
Naming an animal is almost as involved as naming a child. Care must be taken so that the name you give the animal somehow reflects their personality. Animals should have nice names...nothing too complicated. And no name that's going to signal danger(like "killer") before you really get to know him.
Naming an animal...or a person...is important because names mean something. Each of our names carry with it a different meaning, known or unknown, which some say reflects our personality too. We like the animals we care for are shaped by the names we've been given.
As Jacob was too.
After Jacob wrestled with God, God asked Jacob what his name was. Strange, you might think, doesn't God KNOW who Jacob is. But God wasn't asking for his name, he was asking Jacob about who he is. The name Jacob means "deceiver." So when Jacob says: "I'm Jacob"... He's actually telling God... "I'm the deceiver! That's me! I deceived by brother, my father, and my father-in-law. I'm that good-for-nothing son my father thought I was."
Only God doesn't accept Jacob's name. Instead he gives him a new one!
"Your name will no longer be Deceiver(Jacob) but Israel..."
Israel! What a name. Literally it means "God Strives." Now, Jacob is given a name that reflects, not his actions, but God's. He will no longer be called "Jacob the Deceiver" but "God Strives, God Wrestles, God Fights, God overcomes!" He's being called...by God's name!
We too have been given a new name in the waters of Baptism. Here God calls us by our new name "Child of God." It's not a secret name. There are no secret handshakes, hidden names, or whispered commands in the kingdom as some think. No, the name that God calls you by is the one he's called all his children by. The one he called Jesus by.
"You are my son, the Beloved!" God says. That's the name he's given you too. Beloved! You are God's son, through Baptism. Baptized into Christ's death, you have been raised with him in new life and YOU are God's son! That's your name!
So the next time you're feeling down about who YOU are...as Jacob was when he wrestled with God. Do this: Go into the bathroom, turn on the water, place your hand under the water, and touch your forehead. Then say to yourself in the mirror: "You are my child, the Beloved! You have been baptized into Christ! That's who you are! Now...live in that life!"
Heavenly Father, you have called us by a new name, as you called Jacob so long ago. Remind us of the love we have with you in baptism. Call us by a new name and give us hope for all of life's journey, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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